"-------- One of the things I have become very interested in is the development of better foods through cross-breeding and other natural means, while avoiding things that could cause the planet, or those on it, problems. It is not an easy thing to do, with the many easy ways of increasing yields through what has been found to be unscrupulous means.
In New Scientist, a story tells of the way that the protein needs of many in the third world are being partly met by potatoes, grown to have a higher amount of protein, and also being more adaptable to the growing areas, producing much greater overall yields. ------ "
Friday, October 8, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Feeding the World Through Food Science
IFT newsletter September 2010, Volume 64, No.9
" ----- Early in my food science career as a student recruiter, adviser, and instructor, I never needed to assume a defensive stance toward our profession. For example, on the first Earth Day, in 1979, I gave a public lecture and proclaimed to the audience that technological tools would assure us a cleaner environment from which to extract air, water, and food. But eventually louder and louder anti-technology voices were heard in classrooms and elsewhere. Colleagues also heard them and we bemoaned the fact that all our textbooks were only descriptive and did not provide us with some sort of a 'unified field theory' to rely on in this new age of people belittling, even attacking, achievements in science and technology, including food processing.
My enthusiasm for the report 'Feeding the World' knows no bounds. I urge you to read it in the September issue of Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety (http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1541-4337), to copy and disseminate it, and to integrate its message into your professional consciousness and practice."
by Manfred Kroger , Ph.D., an IFT Fellow, Scientific Editor of Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety and Professor Emeritus of Food Science, Penn State University (kv7@psu.edu).
" ----- Early in my food science career as a student recruiter, adviser, and instructor, I never needed to assume a defensive stance toward our profession. For example, on the first Earth Day, in 1979, I gave a public lecture and proclaimed to the audience that technological tools would assure us a cleaner environment from which to extract air, water, and food. But eventually louder and louder anti-technology voices were heard in classrooms and elsewhere. Colleagues also heard them and we bemoaned the fact that all our textbooks were only descriptive and did not provide us with some sort of a 'unified field theory' to rely on in this new age of people belittling, even attacking, achievements in science and technology, including food processing.
My enthusiasm for the report 'Feeding the World' knows no bounds. I urge you to read it in the September issue of Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety (http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1541-4337), to copy and disseminate it, and to integrate its message into your professional consciousness and practice."
by Manfred Kroger , Ph.D., an IFT Fellow, Scientific Editor of Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety and Professor Emeritus of Food Science, Penn State University (kv7@psu.edu).
Sweet potatoes, cassava, taro good for diabetics
"MANILA, Philippines - The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) yesterday said there are selected root crops that have low glycemic index (GI) and would be good for diabetics.
In a statement, the DOST’s Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI) said sweet potato (kamote), cassava (kamoteng kahoy), taro (gabi) and yam (ube) are some of the starchy root crops found to have low GI.
GI is a classification of food based on the blood glucose response to a food relative to a standard glucose solution. Low glycemic foods control the release of glucose into the bloodstream at a steady and sustained rate, keeping the body’s metabolic processes and energy levels balanced."
In a statement, the DOST’s Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI) said sweet potato (kamote), cassava (kamoteng kahoy), taro (gabi) and yam (ube) are some of the starchy root crops found to have low GI.
GI is a classification of food based on the blood glucose response to a food relative to a standard glucose solution. Low glycemic foods control the release of glucose into the bloodstream at a steady and sustained rate, keeping the body’s metabolic processes and energy levels balanced."
Monday, October 4, 2010
Why belly fat increases in women after the age of 40 & what to do about it
"On September 28, 2010, the Dr. Oz show, seen in Sacramento on channel 58 (Dish Satellite) emphasized how to reduce belly fat in women over age 40. As your estrogen levels drop, your fat cells increase as your body tries to make more estrogen by making more fat cells, particularly around the waist or in the belly."
There's a lot more to this article.
There's a lot more to this article.
Giving Consumers What They Want
IFT newsletter September 2010, Volume 64, No.9
Six new mega-trends and market challenges are demanding product developers’ attention.
"Consumers are demanding dramatic changes in the way that food companies formulate, process, and even flavor foods as they continue to look to the food industry for more natural health solutions and increasingly convenient meal options. Following are six mega-trends and market challenges identified in IFT Annual Meeting & Food Expo presentations and exhibits. Product developers and marketers who successfully address these issues are likely to find significant marketplace opportunities."
Read all about the six mega-trends.
Six new mega-trends and market challenges are demanding product developers’ attention.
"Consumers are demanding dramatic changes in the way that food companies formulate, process, and even flavor foods as they continue to look to the food industry for more natural health solutions and increasingly convenient meal options. Following are six mega-trends and market challenges identified in IFT Annual Meeting & Food Expo presentations and exhibits. Product developers and marketers who successfully address these issues are likely to find significant marketplace opportunities."
Read all about the six mega-trends.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
IINC 2010 Nutrigenomic Seminar
"One of the great challenges in genetics and nutrition is to understand how each individual interacts with, and responds to their environment. Diet is the most important environmental factor influencing expression of genetic information because of the constant exposure to nutrients in foods. The emerging discipline of nutritional genomics or nutrigenomics is the study of the effects of diet on the activity of an individual’s genes and health and the study of how different genetic makeup metabolizes nutrients. -------------- we in collaboration with The International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI Southeast Asia Region) initiated to conduct an international conference in nutrigenomics."
Unscrambling the Egg Disaster
September 28, 2010, By JAMES MCWILLIAMS
" --------- Writing in the Atlantic’s Food Channel, Barry Estabrook, former editor at Gourmet magazine, categorically condemned 'industrial-scale factory farming' as 'the cause of virtually every instance of bacterial food contamination the country has experienced in recent years.' It’s the 'huge farms and processors,' he explains, rather than the 'small producers who live near us' that 'have given us' E. coli, salmonella and listeria. Estabrook, who raises a posse of his own chickens in a backyard horse barn, was challenged by a reader to have his birds tested for salmonella. Admirably, he did. Verdict: clean. --------------
For all the intuitive logic supporting Estabrook’s argument (not to mention the clean bill of health awarded his birds), others are less convinced that industrial farming per se is the problem. In a CNN interview, Professor Michael Lacy, who heads Poultry Science at the University of Georgia, explained, 'I know of no research that shows large-sale egg farming is less safe than any other,' adding that 'there is no scientific evidence that free-range or organic eggs are less prone to S. Enteritidis.' Darrell Trampel, an Iowa State poultry diagnostician, agreed, telling Newsweek, 'Even today, we find Salmonella Enteritidis on small organic farms—it’s not just the big ones.' "
" --------- Writing in the Atlantic’s Food Channel, Barry Estabrook, former editor at Gourmet magazine, categorically condemned 'industrial-scale factory farming' as 'the cause of virtually every instance of bacterial food contamination the country has experienced in recent years.' It’s the 'huge farms and processors,' he explains, rather than the 'small producers who live near us' that 'have given us' E. coli, salmonella and listeria. Estabrook, who raises a posse of his own chickens in a backyard horse barn, was challenged by a reader to have his birds tested for salmonella. Admirably, he did. Verdict: clean. --------------
For all the intuitive logic supporting Estabrook’s argument (not to mention the clean bill of health awarded his birds), others are less convinced that industrial farming per se is the problem. In a CNN interview, Professor Michael Lacy, who heads Poultry Science at the University of Georgia, explained, 'I know of no research that shows large-sale egg farming is less safe than any other,' adding that 'there is no scientific evidence that free-range or organic eggs are less prone to S. Enteritidis.' Darrell Trampel, an Iowa State poultry diagnostician, agreed, telling Newsweek, 'Even today, we find Salmonella Enteritidis on small organic farms—it’s not just the big ones.' "
Conference Shared Ways to End the Obesity Epidemic
" 'The status quo cannot remain,' implored Sam Kass, senior policy advisor for Healthy Food Initiatives and White House chef, during his keynote address that kicked off the 33rd Annual National Food Policy Conference last week. --------- The status quo to which Kass was referring is the 1 in 3 children in the US currently reported by the Centers for Disease Control to be obese, the $215 billion spent on annual economic costs associated with obesity, the portion sizes at restaurants that have expanded to be 2 to 5 times larger than historical servings, the 27 percent of people ages 17-34 who are ineligible for military service due to obesity, and the fact that for the first time in our history, the current generation of children may have a shorter life span than their parents.
Those statistics are just some of the reasons why this year's Food Policy Conference focused primarily on childhood obesity."
" 'The status quo cannot remain,' implored Sam Kass, senior policy advisor for Healthy Food Initiatives and White House chef, during his keynote address that kicked off the 33rd Annual National Food Policy Conference last week. --------- The status quo to which Kass was referring is the 1 in 3 children in the US currently reported by the Centers for Disease Control to be obese, the $215 billion spent on annual economic costs associated with obesity, the portion sizes at restaurants that have expanded to be 2 to 5 times larger than historical servings, the 27 percent of people ages 17-34 who are ineligible for military service due to obesity, and the fact that for the first time in our history, the current generation of children may have a shorter life span than their parents.
Those statistics are just some of the reasons why this year's Food Policy Conference focused primarily on childhood obesity."
Friday, October 1, 2010
Punitive Damages Added to Salmonella Egg Lawsuits
"Information brought to light during hearings before the U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce has led to punitive damages being added to lawsuits against Quality Egg/Wright County of Iowa."
"Information brought to light during hearings before the U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce has led to punitive damages being added to lawsuits against Quality Egg/Wright County of Iowa."
The Diet of the Future: Nutritional Genomics
"Since scientists in the Human Genome Project successfully decoded the human genome, the literal blue print of human beings, in 2003, medicine has been looking to take advantage of this information to enhance people’s health. Nutritional genomics (or Nutrigenomics) is a new field of study, based on the the Human Genome Project research, looking at the relationships between diet and how what you eat affects your genes.
-------------Epigenetics is an even newer field of study than genetics. Epigenetics looks into the way environmental factors influence your genes. Without delving into the science, environmental factors play a huge role in influencing the way genes work. Apparently, you can even influence future generations through epigenetic effects."
-------------Epigenetics is an even newer field of study than genetics. Epigenetics looks into the way environmental factors influence your genes. Without delving into the science, environmental factors play a huge role in influencing the way genes work. Apparently, you can even influence future generations through epigenetic effects."
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Khichdi recipe to enhance food value
The Telegraph
Calcutta, India
Jorhat, Sept. 27: Here’s a simple khichdi recipe: rice, dal and potatoes. Now, add some punch: to rice, stir in sprouted moong, a handful of soya nuggets and a sprinkling of dhekia (a fern).
Voila, not only a tasty khichdi but a more nutritious one is ready.
The food and nutrition department of the College of Home Science under Assam Agricultural University in Jorhat has come up with this recipe to enhance the food value of the government’s midday meal scheme for schoolchildren. Teachers and students of the department have demonstrated the way to make this khichdi at no additional cost at several programmes held in remote schools in Jorhat district recently.
The head of the department, Basanti Baroova, said usually the school serves khichdi made of rice, dal and potatoes but “we have shown that at no additional cost one can make a healthier dish”.
“The teachers and parents gathered on the occasion were told about the nutritional value of each item. Dhekia, which is available in plenty in the fields, is rich in micro-nutrients — vitamins and minerals. Sprouted moong, to be used in place of masoor dal (red lentil), is a source of vitamin C and protein and soya has vegetable protein besides rice which provides the carbohydrate. Ours is not just to demonstrate but to educate. We do not give them fish but teach them to capture fish so that they can feed themselves and feed others as well,” Baroova said.
Mamoni Das, another teacher of the home science department, said in every such programme held so far, the department had attempted a holistic approach to build a healthy society. “Our target is not just to better the food of schoolchildren but the whole family and that is why we address the women of the village who cook the food. In one such programme held at the Upar Deori ME School recently, pointers were given as to what constitutes a nutritional diet and what is unhealthy. We tell them about the food value of all things which are usually consumed daily and if they can replace it with something more nutritious — the stress being on greens and other items found in the surroundings,” Das said.
Jashodha Deori, a parent present at one of the meetings, said she would henceforth try to give her children raw peanuts instead of the fried variety and sprouted gram instead of biscuits at snack time.
Anup Deori, an assistant at the school, said they would try to cook the khichdi as demonstrated by the home science department, as it was packed with more nutrients.
To a query on whether the food of the villagers was deficient in nutrients, Baroova said apparently they looked healthy but 80 per cent of women in the country are anaemic and “if we look deeply you will find many suffering from skin and other deficiency-related diseases”.
Calcutta, India
Jorhat, Sept. 27: Here’s a simple khichdi recipe: rice, dal and potatoes. Now, add some punch: to rice, stir in sprouted moong, a handful of soya nuggets and a sprinkling of dhekia (a fern).
Voila, not only a tasty khichdi but a more nutritious one is ready.
The food and nutrition department of the College of Home Science under Assam Agricultural University in Jorhat has come up with this recipe to enhance the food value of the government’s midday meal scheme for schoolchildren. Teachers and students of the department have demonstrated the way to make this khichdi at no additional cost at several programmes held in remote schools in Jorhat district recently.
The head of the department, Basanti Baroova, said usually the school serves khichdi made of rice, dal and potatoes but “we have shown that at no additional cost one can make a healthier dish”.
“The teachers and parents gathered on the occasion were told about the nutritional value of each item. Dhekia, which is available in plenty in the fields, is rich in micro-nutrients — vitamins and minerals. Sprouted moong, to be used in place of masoor dal (red lentil), is a source of vitamin C and protein and soya has vegetable protein besides rice which provides the carbohydrate. Ours is not just to demonstrate but to educate. We do not give them fish but teach them to capture fish so that they can feed themselves and feed others as well,” Baroova said.
Mamoni Das, another teacher of the home science department, said in every such programme held so far, the department had attempted a holistic approach to build a healthy society. “Our target is not just to better the food of schoolchildren but the whole family and that is why we address the women of the village who cook the food. In one such programme held at the Upar Deori ME School recently, pointers were given as to what constitutes a nutritional diet and what is unhealthy. We tell them about the food value of all things which are usually consumed daily and if they can replace it with something more nutritious — the stress being on greens and other items found in the surroundings,” Das said.
Jashodha Deori, a parent present at one of the meetings, said she would henceforth try to give her children raw peanuts instead of the fried variety and sprouted gram instead of biscuits at snack time.
Anup Deori, an assistant at the school, said they would try to cook the khichdi as demonstrated by the home science department, as it was packed with more nutrients.
To a query on whether the food of the villagers was deficient in nutrients, Baroova said apparently they looked healthy but 80 per cent of women in the country are anaemic and “if we look deeply you will find many suffering from skin and other deficiency-related diseases”.
Nestlé Announces New Food Science Institute
"Swiss food giant Nestlé plans to step up its involvement in food products designed to prevent disease and improve health. At a press conference this morning, the company announced the creation of a new research center, the Nestlé Institute of Health Sciences, to better understand the role of foods in disease prevention. A new daughter company, Nestlé Health Science, S.A., which will incorporate Nestlé's existing health business, will bring the fruits of its labors to the market.
The new institute, based at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, will be led by Emmanuel Baetge, former chief scientific officer of ViaCyte, a biotech in San Diego, California, focussing on stem cell treatments for diabetes. Obesity, diabetes, neurological disorders, and aging will be major targets of the institute's researchers, Baetge said this morning. Nestlé representatives could not say how many scientists it will employ, but the company has said it plans to spend 'hundreds of millions' of dollars on the institute over the coming decade.
So-called functional foods and nutraceuticals, such as yogurts with 'good' bacteria, have already become a multibillion dollar market, but NestlĂ© says it plans to go a step further by providing consumers with 'personalized health science nutrition'—although company representatives were vague on how this would work exactly.
A key problem with health foods is that it's very hard to demonstrate scientifically that they work. The European Food Safety Agency, which is reviewing thousands of companies' health claims, has so far thrown out the vast majority of them, which could force companies to remove the claims from their labels and ads. But Nestlé CEO Paul Bulcke dodged a question today about how his company's future products can avoid that fate."
The new institute, based at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, will be led by Emmanuel Baetge, former chief scientific officer of ViaCyte, a biotech in San Diego, California, focussing on stem cell treatments for diabetes. Obesity, diabetes, neurological disorders, and aging will be major targets of the institute's researchers, Baetge said this morning. Nestlé representatives could not say how many scientists it will employ, but the company has said it plans to spend 'hundreds of millions' of dollars on the institute over the coming decade.
So-called functional foods and nutraceuticals, such as yogurts with 'good' bacteria, have already become a multibillion dollar market, but NestlĂ© says it plans to go a step further by providing consumers with 'personalized health science nutrition'—although company representatives were vague on how this would work exactly.
A key problem with health foods is that it's very hard to demonstrate scientifically that they work. The European Food Safety Agency, which is reviewing thousands of companies' health claims, has so far thrown out the vast majority of them, which could force companies to remove the claims from their labels and ads. But Nestlé CEO Paul Bulcke dodged a question today about how his company's future products can avoid that fate."
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Six top science bodies’ verdict: Bt brinjal safe
"Six premier Indian science academies, given the task of evaluating Bt brinjal by Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh, have declared it safe, but their findings also say all genetically modified (GM) items pose a risk if the science behind them is flawed. The academies, as part of their mandate, have made key recommendations, including allowing the use of GM crops to meet growing food demands."
"Six premier Indian science academies, given the task of evaluating Bt brinjal by Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh, have declared it safe, but their findings also say all genetically modified (GM) items pose a risk if the science behind them is flawed. The academies, as part of their mandate, have made key recommendations, including allowing the use of GM crops to meet growing food demands."
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
African countries urged to embrace biotechnology
"Abuja, Sept. 26, GNA - Dr Nompumelelo H. Obokoh, Project Manager of African Agricultural Technology Foundation (AATF), has called on African leaders to position themselves to embrace biotechnology in solving food insecurity in Africa.
She said the challenges of science technology and innovation held the key for improved food security and poverty reduction as global trends have indicated preference for commercialized biotechnology and genetically modified (GM) crops.
Dr Obokoh disclosed this to the Ghana News Agency in Abuja.
The Project Manager said the United States, China and South Africa have taken full advantage of the system and expressed worry that trends that were fast changing and improving systems elsewhere was rather slow in Africa.
She advocated the mainstreaming of biotechnology into agricultural production, building of capacity for compliance and migrating to commercial high yielding crops."
She said the challenges of science technology and innovation held the key for improved food security and poverty reduction as global trends have indicated preference for commercialized biotechnology and genetically modified (GM) crops.
Dr Obokoh disclosed this to the Ghana News Agency in Abuja.
The Project Manager said the United States, China and South Africa have taken full advantage of the system and expressed worry that trends that were fast changing and improving systems elsewhere was rather slow in Africa.
She advocated the mainstreaming of biotechnology into agricultural production, building of capacity for compliance and migrating to commercial high yielding crops."
Monday, September 27, 2010
Dr. Fred Below gets excited about what he calls “the perfect crop”: corn.
"Ag connect expo 2011 will showcase science based agriculture ......... Dr. Fred Below gets excited about what he calls 'the perfect crop': corn. His enthusiasm for corn, and the power of his presentation, helps you see how producers could ultimately have eye-popping yields of 300 bushels an acre, Below predicts.
'If a scientist had to start from scratch to create a food-producing plant with the most flexibility and the highest responsiveness to management, the results would be corn. It’s the highest yielding crop in the world,' he says.
Dr. Below, who is Professor of Plant Physiology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, will bring his compelling corn production insights to AG CONNECT Expo, at the Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, in January next year. ............... Below said he plans to have early data from the 2010 harvest when he shares with attendees the 'Seven Wonders of the Corn Yield World' for optimizing crop management and yield at AG CONNECT Expo 2011.
'Science_based agriculture will show the way to feed the earth’s increasing population, and corn will be a keystone to that effort. We need to double food production in 20 years but we can’t do it without biotech,' Below said. 'And corn is the crop that is most amenable to modern scientific biotech management.' "
'If a scientist had to start from scratch to create a food-producing plant with the most flexibility and the highest responsiveness to management, the results would be corn. It’s the highest yielding crop in the world,' he says.
Dr. Below, who is Professor of Plant Physiology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, will bring his compelling corn production insights to AG CONNECT Expo, at the Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, in January next year. ............... Below said he plans to have early data from the 2010 harvest when he shares with attendees the 'Seven Wonders of the Corn Yield World' for optimizing crop management and yield at AG CONNECT Expo 2011.
'Science_based agriculture will show the way to feed the earth’s increasing population, and corn will be a keystone to that effort. We need to double food production in 20 years but we can’t do it without biotech,' Below said. 'And corn is the crop that is most amenable to modern scientific biotech management.' "
Sunday, September 26, 2010
About BeanCAP
"The Common Bean Coordinated Agricultural Project (BeanCAP) will significantly impact the future direction of research by providing new tools and research directions for this important nutritional and commodity crop. The first market-class-specific markers, whose value will extend well beyond the project duration, will be a major outcome affecting all bean research. When genotypic data, generated by using these markers, is coupled with nutritional profiling data, also generated by the project, species-wide and market-class-specific loci affecting the nutritional traits will be discovered. This will set the stage for significant common bean improvements for years to come."
Phil McClean mcclean@beangenes.cws.ndsu.nodak.edu
Project Director
North Dakota State University
Phil McClean mcclean@beangenes.cws.ndsu.nodak.edu
Project Director
North Dakota State University
Temperature abuse of packaged salads raises food safety fears - study
"Storing packaged lettuce salads at 5°C (41°F) or below is critical for reducing food safety risks such as E.coli 0157:H7, according to new research.
Researchers said the findings were significant as they demonstrated that foodborne pathogens 'can grow significantly on commercially packaged lettuce salads while the product’s visual quality is fully acceptable.' This challenged the widely held view that temperature control of bagged greens was a quality rather than predominantly a food safety issue, said the team."
Researchers said the findings were significant as they demonstrated that foodborne pathogens 'can grow significantly on commercially packaged lettuce salads while the product’s visual quality is fully acceptable.' This challenged the widely held view that temperature control of bagged greens was a quality rather than predominantly a food safety issue, said the team."
Food Science Activities for Kids
"Food science is an interdisciplinary science, consisting of chemistry, microbiology and biochemistry. Experimenting with food can provide insight into all of these fields. Many schools are even incorporating food science into their curricula, including food science activities that are both educational and entertaining for children. You can also conduct food science experiments at home, using simple household items and ingredients."
This is a great article, and we need to get the kids more involved. The article includes several examples of "food science experiments" that kids can do at home.
This is a great article, and we need to get the kids more involved. The article includes several examples of "food science experiments" that kids can do at home.
Bamboo salts may act as sodium replacer: Study
" .........The new study, published in Meat Science, suggests that meat batters formulated with bamboo salts have better physical, chemical, and sensory properties when compared to batters made with conventional, commercially available sodium chloride. ...........Bamboo salts are produced by placing sea salt in thick bamboo stubs and baking them together with pine tree firewood, the process is suggested to purify the sea salt and infuse the oils from the bamboo.
Ancient bamboo salts were baked two or three times, before being used in traditional medical treatments, however it is now common for bamboo salt to be baked more than nine times before use."
My gut feeling is that bamboo salts are a long way from being cost-effective. Just my gut feeling. Otherwise, this is very interesting.
Ancient bamboo salts were baked two or three times, before being used in traditional medical treatments, however it is now common for bamboo salt to be baked more than nine times before use."
My gut feeling is that bamboo salts are a long way from being cost-effective. Just my gut feeling. Otherwise, this is very interesting.
Food ingredients to drive processing sector
"India is the ingredients bowl of the future. The segment is driven by the growing food processing industry.
The key ingredients are food colours, flavours, sweeteners, antioxidants and antimicrobials, emulsifier and stabilizers. Their use in the food and beverage sector is indispensable. There are also a huge range of special ingredients like probiotics, prebiotics and bio-enzymes. In addition, there are bulk ingredients like dairy, oils, fats, sugars, basic proteins, emulsifiers, acidulants, phytochemicals, sweeteners, flavours, colours, enzymes, meat seasonings, bakery mixes, fruit preps, vitamin/mineral pre mixes, etc. Some of the leading companies in the space are Grifith Labs, Pristine Organics, Cargill Flavours, AB Mauri, Sonarome ITC Colors and Phytotec Extracts to name a few."
A complete and very interesting article.
The key ingredients are food colours, flavours, sweeteners, antioxidants and antimicrobials, emulsifier and stabilizers. Their use in the food and beverage sector is indispensable. There are also a huge range of special ingredients like probiotics, prebiotics and bio-enzymes. In addition, there are bulk ingredients like dairy, oils, fats, sugars, basic proteins, emulsifiers, acidulants, phytochemicals, sweeteners, flavours, colours, enzymes, meat seasonings, bakery mixes, fruit preps, vitamin/mineral pre mixes, etc. Some of the leading companies in the space are Grifith Labs, Pristine Organics, Cargill Flavours, AB Mauri, Sonarome ITC Colors and Phytotec Extracts to name a few."
A complete and very interesting article.
NDSU to establish pulse crop quality laboratory
"FARGO - Dil Thavarajah has joined the pulse crop program as an assistant professor-pulse quality and human nutrition in the North Dakota State University School of Food Systems. Thavarajah will be setting up a lab to study pulse crop quality and nutrition. It will be the first pulse quality and nutrition lab in the country.
The pulse crop industry in North Dakota continues to grow as NDSU pulse crop breeders develop new varieties that have high yields, high-quality seed and good agronomic traits.
'Approximately one-third of the world's population suffers from vitamin or mineral malnutrition,' Thavarajah says. 'Pulse crops could be a food-based solution to provide the most bioavailable forms of minerals and vitamins to help those suffering from malnutrition and for millions of those in Western countries who are vegetarians. My research has shown that pulse crops could provide sufficient daily iron, zinc, selenium and other micronutrient requirements by serving 50 grams of pulse crops.' "
This is a very interesting article and program. After the link I am providing more information on pulse crops.
A pulse (Latin "puls",[1] from Greek "πόλτος" - poltos, "porridge"[2]) is an annual leguminous crop yielding from one to twelve seeds of variable size, shape, and color within a pod. Pulses are used for food and animal feed. The term "pulse", as used by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), is reserved for crops harvested solely for the dry seed. This excludes green beans and green peas, which are considered vegetable crops. Also excluded are crops that are mainly grown for oil extraction (oilseeds like soybeans and peanuts), and crops which are used exclusively for sowing (clovers, alfalfa). However, in common use these distinctions are not clearly made, and many of the varieties so classified and given below are also used as vegetables, with their beans in pods while young cooked in whole cuisines and sold for the purpose; for example black eyed beans, lima beans and Toor or pigeon peas are thus eaten as fresh green beans cooked as part of a meal. Pulses are important food crops due to their high protein and essential amino acid content. Like many leguminous crops, pulses play a key role in crop rotation due to their ability to fix nitrogen.
Just like words as "bean" and "lentil", the word "pulse" may also refer to just the seed, rather than the entire plant.
India and Pakistan are the world's largest producers and the largest consumers of pulses. Canada, Myanmar, Australia and the United States are significant exporters, and are India's most significant suppliers, in that order.
FAO recognizes 11 primary pulses.
1. Dry beans (Phaseolus spp. including several species now in Vigna)
Kidney bean, haricot bean, pinto bean, navy bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)
Lima bean, butter bean (Phaseolus lunatus)
Azuki bean, adzuki bean (Vigna angularis)
Mung bean, golden gram, green gram (Vigna radiata)
Black gram, Urad (Vigna mungo)
Scarlet runner bean (Phaseolus coccineus)
Ricebean (Vigna umbellata)
Moth bean (Vigna acontifolia)
Tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius)
2. Dry broad beans (Vicia faba)
Horse bean (Vicia faba equina)
Broad bean (Vicia faba)
Field bean (Vicia faba)
3. Dry peas (Pisum spp.)
Garden pea (Pisum sativum var. sativum)
Protein pea (Pisum sativum var. arvense)
4. Chickpea, Garbanzo, Bengal gram (Cicer arietinum)
5. Dry cowpea, Black-eyed pea, blackeye bean (Vigna unguiculata )
6. Pigeon pea, Arhar /Toor, cajan pea, Congo bean (Cajanus cajan)
7. Lentil (Lens culinaris)
8. Bambara groundnut, earth pea (Vigna subterranea)
9. Vetch, common vetch (Vicia sativa)
10. Lupins (Lupinus spp.)
11. Minor pulses include:
Lablab, hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus)
Jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis), sword bean (Canavalia gladiata)
Winged bean (Psophocarpus teragonolobus)
Velvet bean, cowitch (Mucuna pruriens var. utilis)
Yam bean (Pachyrrizus erosus)
Pulses are 20 to 25% protein by weight, which is double the protein content of wheat and three times that of rice. For this reason, pulses are called "vegetarian's meat". While pulses are generally high in protein, and the digestibility of that protein is also high, they often are relatively poor in the essential amino acid methionine, although Indian cuisine includes sesame seeds, which contain high levels of methionine. Grains (which are themselves deficient in lysine) are commonly consumed along with pulses to form a complete protein of diet.
Pulses have significant nutritional and health advantages for consumers.[3] They are the most important dietary predictor of survival in older people of different ethnicities,[4] and in the Seven Countries Study, legume consumption was highly correlated with a reduced mortality from coronary heart disease.[5] Furthermore, pulses are especially high in amylose starch making them a good source of prebiotic resistant starch.[6]
The pulse crop industry in North Dakota continues to grow as NDSU pulse crop breeders develop new varieties that have high yields, high-quality seed and good agronomic traits.
'Approximately one-third of the world's population suffers from vitamin or mineral malnutrition,' Thavarajah says. 'Pulse crops could be a food-based solution to provide the most bioavailable forms of minerals and vitamins to help those suffering from malnutrition and for millions of those in Western countries who are vegetarians. My research has shown that pulse crops could provide sufficient daily iron, zinc, selenium and other micronutrient requirements by serving 50 grams of pulse crops.' "
This is a very interesting article and program. After the link I am providing more information on pulse crops.
A pulse (Latin "puls",[1] from Greek "πόλτος" - poltos, "porridge"[2]) is an annual leguminous crop yielding from one to twelve seeds of variable size, shape, and color within a pod. Pulses are used for food and animal feed. The term "pulse", as used by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), is reserved for crops harvested solely for the dry seed. This excludes green beans and green peas, which are considered vegetable crops. Also excluded are crops that are mainly grown for oil extraction (oilseeds like soybeans and peanuts), and crops which are used exclusively for sowing (clovers, alfalfa). However, in common use these distinctions are not clearly made, and many of the varieties so classified and given below are also used as vegetables, with their beans in pods while young cooked in whole cuisines and sold for the purpose; for example black eyed beans, lima beans and Toor or pigeon peas are thus eaten as fresh green beans cooked as part of a meal. Pulses are important food crops due to their high protein and essential amino acid content. Like many leguminous crops, pulses play a key role in crop rotation due to their ability to fix nitrogen.
Just like words as "bean" and "lentil", the word "pulse" may also refer to just the seed, rather than the entire plant.
India and Pakistan are the world's largest producers and the largest consumers of pulses. Canada, Myanmar, Australia and the United States are significant exporters, and are India's most significant suppliers, in that order.
FAO recognizes 11 primary pulses.
1. Dry beans (Phaseolus spp. including several species now in Vigna)
Kidney bean, haricot bean, pinto bean, navy bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)
Lima bean, butter bean (Phaseolus lunatus)
Azuki bean, adzuki bean (Vigna angularis)
Mung bean, golden gram, green gram (Vigna radiata)
Black gram, Urad (Vigna mungo)
Scarlet runner bean (Phaseolus coccineus)
Ricebean (Vigna umbellata)
Moth bean (Vigna acontifolia)
Tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius)
2. Dry broad beans (Vicia faba)
Horse bean (Vicia faba equina)
Broad bean (Vicia faba)
Field bean (Vicia faba)
3. Dry peas (Pisum spp.)
Garden pea (Pisum sativum var. sativum)
Protein pea (Pisum sativum var. arvense)
4. Chickpea, Garbanzo, Bengal gram (Cicer arietinum)
5. Dry cowpea, Black-eyed pea, blackeye bean (Vigna unguiculata )
6. Pigeon pea, Arhar /Toor, cajan pea, Congo bean (Cajanus cajan)
7. Lentil (Lens culinaris)
8. Bambara groundnut, earth pea (Vigna subterranea)
9. Vetch, common vetch (Vicia sativa)
10. Lupins (Lupinus spp.)
11. Minor pulses include:
Lablab, hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus)
Jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis), sword bean (Canavalia gladiata)
Winged bean (Psophocarpus teragonolobus)
Velvet bean, cowitch (Mucuna pruriens var. utilis)
Yam bean (Pachyrrizus erosus)
Pulses are 20 to 25% protein by weight, which is double the protein content of wheat and three times that of rice. For this reason, pulses are called "vegetarian's meat". While pulses are generally high in protein, and the digestibility of that protein is also high, they often are relatively poor in the essential amino acid methionine, although Indian cuisine includes sesame seeds, which contain high levels of methionine. Grains (which are themselves deficient in lysine) are commonly consumed along with pulses to form a complete protein of diet.
Pulses have significant nutritional and health advantages for consumers.[3] They are the most important dietary predictor of survival in older people of different ethnicities,[4] and in the Seven Countries Study, legume consumption was highly correlated with a reduced mortality from coronary heart disease.[5] Furthermore, pulses are especially high in amylose starch making them a good source of prebiotic resistant starch.[6]
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Food Safety: When Logic Fails
" .......A message to aggrieved associations and food processors: Follow Sansolo's advice. Stop the internal group-think and seek out people with opinions that conflict with yours. Find out why they think you're way off base and work with those arguments. Some will be based on the science - their science, not yours - but most will be based on emotion. Fight science with science but understand that the gut almost always wins the argument. If you can't speak to that part of their anatomy and understand its power, you'll lose the debate every time.
The core of Sansolo's editorial is this: 'thinking we are right or thinking we're doing the right thing doesn't matter unless our customers get it and respond.'
Too often when it comes to issues of food safety, your customers don't get it and they are responding in ways that should cause you to stop and 'point with alarm.' They might intellectually understand that only one meal in a million can make you sick, and the food industry can 'point with pride' at those statistics. They feel with their hearts, though, when little 5-year-old Anna dies an agonizing death from massive organ failure brought about by E. coli-tainted meat.
And as far as most people in the general public are concerned, there is no justification for that tragedy."
The core of Sansolo's editorial is this: 'thinking we are right or thinking we're doing the right thing doesn't matter unless our customers get it and respond.'
Too often when it comes to issues of food safety, your customers don't get it and they are responding in ways that should cause you to stop and 'point with alarm.' They might intellectually understand that only one meal in a million can make you sick, and the food industry can 'point with pride' at those statistics. They feel with their hearts, though, when little 5-year-old Anna dies an agonizing death from massive organ failure brought about by E. coli-tainted meat.
And as far as most people in the general public are concerned, there is no justification for that tragedy."
Cassava starch may improve gluten free bread
By Nathan Gray, 23-Sep-2010
"Sorghum is one of the world’s oldest known grains, and is one of a range of ancient grains that are naturally gluten-free. It has gained popularity as the market for gluten-free foods has grown, based on its greater nutritional value, compared withother gluten-free flours such as rice, corn or potato flour - however, it has physico-chemical properties that can negatively affect dough quality.
The addition of starch to sorghum dough could improve certain negative characteristics of gluten-free sorghum bread, according to researchers.
The new study published in LWT - Food Science and Technology, reports that adding fifty per cent cassava starch to sorghum bread gave 'the best overall crumb properties', improving the overall quality of the nutrient-rich gluten free bread."
"Sorghum is one of the world’s oldest known grains, and is one of a range of ancient grains that are naturally gluten-free. It has gained popularity as the market for gluten-free foods has grown, based on its greater nutritional value, compared withother gluten-free flours such as rice, corn or potato flour - however, it has physico-chemical properties that can negatively affect dough quality.
The addition of starch to sorghum dough could improve certain negative characteristics of gluten-free sorghum bread, according to researchers.
The new study published in LWT - Food Science and Technology, reports that adding fifty per cent cassava starch to sorghum bread gave 'the best overall crumb properties', improving the overall quality of the nutrient-rich gluten free bread."
Friday, September 24, 2010
“The Singularity Is Near” panel at the Woodstock Film Festival
The Singularity Is Near
Woodstock, NY
09/30/2010, 3:00PM
We live in an era of exponentially increasing advances in artificial intelligence, nano technology, robotics, designer drugs, bionics, and techniques to defeat—and perhaps even reverse—cellular aging. Scientific optimists look forward to a transhuman future when our life expectancy will be dramatically, if not infinitely, extended; when people no longer suffer from disability or disease; when super-intelligent machines will “reproduce” by designing and building their own successors; when the line between humans and computers will increasingly blur, as we “download” our memories and minds into machines and become bionic ourselves. What promises and challenges does this vision of the future hold?
Michelle Byrd
Ray Kurzweil
Martine Rothblatt
Sponsored by Kurzweil Technologies and Terasem Motion Infoculture
Woodstock, NY
09/30/2010, 3:00PM
We live in an era of exponentially increasing advances in artificial intelligence, nano technology, robotics, designer drugs, bionics, and techniques to defeat—and perhaps even reverse—cellular aging. Scientific optimists look forward to a transhuman future when our life expectancy will be dramatically, if not infinitely, extended; when people no longer suffer from disability or disease; when super-intelligent machines will “reproduce” by designing and building their own successors; when the line between humans and computers will increasingly blur, as we “download” our memories and minds into machines and become bionic ourselves. What promises and challenges does this vision of the future hold?
Michelle Byrd
Ray Kurzweil
Martine Rothblatt
Sponsored by Kurzweil Technologies and Terasem Motion Infoculture
How going meatless can heal you
This Meatless Life
September 22, 2010 - Justin McIntosh
"I’ve written on here before, particularly in regards to the Trive experiment, how going meatless can reverse certain ailments, including diabetes.
Now, here's President Clinton talking about his own conversion to a plant-based diet after reading books like "The China Study," the largest study of human nutrition ever done, and how he's using a plant-based diet to clear out his arteries.
From his interview with Wolf Blitzer, which you can watch at the link:"
This article is really about President Clinton, and it is pretty interesting. I believe in presenting all facets of an issue that deserve to be presented. Of course, in this case, I'm talking about vegetarianism.
September 22, 2010 - Justin McIntosh
"I’ve written on here before, particularly in regards to the Trive experiment, how going meatless can reverse certain ailments, including diabetes.
Now, here's President Clinton talking about his own conversion to a plant-based diet after reading books like "The China Study," the largest study of human nutrition ever done, and how he's using a plant-based diet to clear out his arteries.
From his interview with Wolf Blitzer, which you can watch at the link:"
This article is really about President Clinton, and it is pretty interesting. I believe in presenting all facets of an issue that deserve to be presented. Of course, in this case, I'm talking about vegetarianism.
The Diabetes prevention and strategy
"The Brd2 gene is a promising new target in diabetes prevention. Researchers succeeded in preventing diabetes in high risk groups by inhibiting the activation of the gene. Activating the gene seems to trigger sugar cravings and promote hunger, in order to meet the brain’s high energy demands. ..........Researchers studying the gene concluded, 'The strong influence of Brd2 on insulin resistance suggests that inhibiting Brd2 is a promising target for diabetes prevention and treatment.' ..........
The study of nutrients that influence gene expression is a promising new field in diabetes prevention, called nutrigenomics. It’s basically a natural form of gene therapy.
But unlike conventional gene therapy that chemically alters the DNA, nutrigenomics influences how a gene is expressed. Nutrients are used to turn genes on or off, depending on the desired effect. It’s a safe and effective method in disease prevention and treatment.
By inhibiting the Brd2 gene, nutrigenomics succeeds where conventional treatments fail…preventing sugar spikes, improving fasting glucose levels, and restoring insulin sensitivity."
The study of nutrients that influence gene expression is a promising new field in diabetes prevention, called nutrigenomics. It’s basically a natural form of gene therapy.
But unlike conventional gene therapy that chemically alters the DNA, nutrigenomics influences how a gene is expressed. Nutrients are used to turn genes on or off, depending on the desired effect. It’s a safe and effective method in disease prevention and treatment.
By inhibiting the Brd2 gene, nutrigenomics succeeds where conventional treatments fail…preventing sugar spikes, improving fasting glucose levels, and restoring insulin sensitivity."
Lime, lemon nature’s cure for cholera, food-borne diseases
Written by Sade Oguntola
Thursday, 23 September 2010
"If you worried about contracting cholera from food items like meat, fruits and vegetables on sale in the market, nature’s solution worth trying out are lemon and lime, which experts have confirmed good arsenal against the germ that causes cholera.
Lemon and lime are popular citrus fruits used as food ingredients for flavouring and in fact in parts of the world such as Japan, it is common dietary habit to add lime juice to raw or grilled fish.
Epidemiological studies have shown that food plays an important role in the transmission of Vibrio cholerae, (the germ that causes cholera) and different foods have been incriminated in many epidemic outbreaks of cholera. ........"
A good article. Here's a link.
Thursday, 23 September 2010
"If you worried about contracting cholera from food items like meat, fruits and vegetables on sale in the market, nature’s solution worth trying out are lemon and lime, which experts have confirmed good arsenal against the germ that causes cholera.
Lemon and lime are popular citrus fruits used as food ingredients for flavouring and in fact in parts of the world such as Japan, it is common dietary habit to add lime juice to raw or grilled fish.
Epidemiological studies have shown that food plays an important role in the transmission of Vibrio cholerae, (the germ that causes cholera) and different foods have been incriminated in many epidemic outbreaks of cholera. ........"
A good article. Here's a link.
Genetically altered salmon? It doesn't stop there
" ......... Whatever the decision on salmon, it's only the start of things to come. In labs and on experimental farms are:
_ Vaccines and other pharmaceuticals grown in bananas and other plants.
_ Trademarked "Enviropigs" whose manure doesn't pollute as much.
_ Cows that don't produce methane in their flatulence.
And in the far-off future, there may be foods built from scratch — the scratch being DNA.
Sometimes when science tinkers with food, it works. Decades ago, Norman Borlaug's 'Green Revolution' of scientifically precise hybrids led to bigger crop yields that have dramatically reduced hunger.
Sometimes it flops. Anyone remember the Flavr Savr tomato? Probably not. It didn't taste good. 'There was no flavor there to save,' one expert quipped. But you might remember 10 years ago when genetically modified corn meant for animal feed wound up in taco shells? .............. 'All of the animals, plants and microbes we use in our food system, our agricultural system, are genetically modified in one way or another,' says Bruce Chassy at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 'That, or they're wild.' .............. More than four-fifths of the soybean, corn and cotton acreage in the United States last year used genetically engineered crops, according to a 2010 National Academies of Sciences study."
I can't give you a link to this article. Not allowed. Send me an email if you would like to read more of it.
" ......... Whatever the decision on salmon, it's only the start of things to come. In labs and on experimental farms are:
_ Vaccines and other pharmaceuticals grown in bananas and other plants.
_ Trademarked "Enviropigs" whose manure doesn't pollute as much.
_ Cows that don't produce methane in their flatulence.
And in the far-off future, there may be foods built from scratch — the scratch being DNA.
Sometimes when science tinkers with food, it works. Decades ago, Norman Borlaug's 'Green Revolution' of scientifically precise hybrids led to bigger crop yields that have dramatically reduced hunger.
Sometimes it flops. Anyone remember the Flavr Savr tomato? Probably not. It didn't taste good. 'There was no flavor there to save,' one expert quipped. But you might remember 10 years ago when genetically modified corn meant for animal feed wound up in taco shells? .............. 'All of the animals, plants and microbes we use in our food system, our agricultural system, are genetically modified in one way or another,' says Bruce Chassy at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 'That, or they're wild.' .............. More than four-fifths of the soybean, corn and cotton acreage in the United States last year used genetically engineered crops, according to a 2010 National Academies of Sciences study."
I can't give you a link to this article. Not allowed. Send me an email if you would like to read more of it.
Gravani Appointed Institute of Food Technologists 2010-2011 President
"Sep 22 2010 --- Robert B. Gravani, PhD, Professor of Food Science and Director of the National Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) Program at Cornell University, is the new President of the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), a nonprofit international society with members engaged in food science, food technology, and related professions in industry, academia, and government. Gravani is the 71st president of IFT and assumed his role September 1, 2010.
Summary: In his new role as President, Robert Gravani will work with a range of volunteers from academia, industry and government to support IFT’s overall mission to advance the science of food and to ensure a safe and abundant food supply that contributes to healthier people everywhere."
There's more to read about Dr. Gravani.
Summary: In his new role as President, Robert Gravani will work with a range of volunteers from academia, industry and government to support IFT’s overall mission to advance the science of food and to ensure a safe and abundant food supply that contributes to healthier people everywhere."
There's more to read about Dr. Gravani.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Leatherhead Food Research's NanoWatch© Working Group
"Developments in micro- and nanotechnologies are increasing at a rapid rate and offer the potential for new products or processes for the food industry. Leatherhead Food Research has become a leading consultant in this emerging area with the formation of a working group and food focus group.
Leatherhead Food Research's NanoWatch© Working Group was created in 2007 to investigate the use of nanotechnology in the food and drink industry, with particular emphasis on ingredients and hydrocolloids. The Working Group provides:"
Read what The Working Group provides and more. Then go to their home page and read more about Leatherhead Food Research. They have been around a long time.
Leatherhead Food Research's NanoWatch© Working Group was created in 2007 to investigate the use of nanotechnology in the food and drink industry, with particular emphasis on ingredients and hydrocolloids. The Working Group provides:"
Read what The Working Group provides and more. Then go to their home page and read more about Leatherhead Food Research. They have been around a long time.
7th International Symposium on Milk Genomics and Human Health
"UC Davis
Davis, California
October 20-22, 2010
This three-day symposium will gather international experts in nutrition, genomics, bioinformatics and milk research. Speakers include Vinthu Kodappa, University of Sydney - Investigation of milk protein bioactivity; Guy Vergeres, Agroscope Liebefeld- Posieux ALP, Switzerland - A nutrigenomic strategy to assess the physiological properties of dairy products; and others to be announced.
The symposium will take place on the campus of UC Davis."
Food Safety News
Davis, California
October 20-22, 2010
This three-day symposium will gather international experts in nutrition, genomics, bioinformatics and milk research. Speakers include Vinthu Kodappa, University of Sydney - Investigation of milk protein bioactivity; Guy Vergeres, Agroscope Liebefeld- Posieux ALP, Switzerland - A nutrigenomic strategy to assess the physiological properties of dairy products; and others to be announced.
The symposium will take place on the campus of UC Davis."
Food Safety News
Strong Meat
George Monbiot says
"A new book has forced me to reconsider my views on food.
This will not be an easy column to write. I am about to put down 1200 words in support of a book that starts by attacking me and often returns to this sport. But it has persuaded me that I was wrong. More to the point, it has opened my eyes to some fascinating complexities in what seemed to be a black and white case.
In the Guardian in 2002 I discussed the sharp rise in the number of the world’s livestock, and the connection between their consumption of grain and human malnutrition(1). After reviewing the figures, I concluded that veganism 'is the only ethical response to what is arguably the world’s most urgent social justice issue.' I still believe that the diversion of ever wider tracts of arable land from feeding people to feeding livestock is iniquitous and grotesque. So does the book I’m about to discuss. I no longer believe that the only ethical response is to stop eating meat."
The author of this new book has some new ideas. Read all about it.
"A new book has forced me to reconsider my views on food.
This will not be an easy column to write. I am about to put down 1200 words in support of a book that starts by attacking me and often returns to this sport. But it has persuaded me that I was wrong. More to the point, it has opened my eyes to some fascinating complexities in what seemed to be a black and white case.
In the Guardian in 2002 I discussed the sharp rise in the number of the world’s livestock, and the connection between their consumption of grain and human malnutrition(1). After reviewing the figures, I concluded that veganism 'is the only ethical response to what is arguably the world’s most urgent social justice issue.' I still believe that the diversion of ever wider tracts of arable land from feeding people to feeding livestock is iniquitous and grotesque. So does the book I’m about to discuss. I no longer believe that the only ethical response is to stop eating meat."
The author of this new book has some new ideas. Read all about it.
Foods That Make You Smarter
posted by Carolyn O'Neil, MS, RD on September 21, 2010 10:02 AM
"If you're like me, you probably spend a lot of time thinking about what you're going to eat. Here's some food for thought: The right foods can improve your concentration, fend off dementia, boost your energy and even help you remember things.
While most nutrition studies focus on hearts, bones and waistlines, there's a growing field of research around food and how it affects our brains. So, whether you're choosing breakfast foods to keep you alert during an early morning business meeting or want an afternoon snack idea to boost concentration powers, here's a round up of food news to feed your mind."
Want to be smarter? Use this link.
"If you're like me, you probably spend a lot of time thinking about what you're going to eat. Here's some food for thought: The right foods can improve your concentration, fend off dementia, boost your energy and even help you remember things.
While most nutrition studies focus on hearts, bones and waistlines, there's a growing field of research around food and how it affects our brains. So, whether you're choosing breakfast foods to keep you alert during an early morning business meeting or want an afternoon snack idea to boost concentration powers, here's a round up of food news to feed your mind."
Want to be smarter? Use this link.
6 Food Rules You Should Break
"We separate fact from fiction for some of the top misunderstandings about nutrition and healthy eating."
By Joyce Hendley, EatingWell.com
"In reality, the most persistent nutrition myths are those that contain at least a kernel of truth—and some 'myths' help us get to real dietary wisdom that actually might help our health. Here’s a cold, hard, science-based look at six of the most oft-repeated ones and what really is the truth behind them."
Now you know you want to know about the "6 food rules you should break," so here is a link. Go break some rules today!
By Joyce Hendley, EatingWell.com
"In reality, the most persistent nutrition myths are those that contain at least a kernel of truth—and some 'myths' help us get to real dietary wisdom that actually might help our health. Here’s a cold, hard, science-based look at six of the most oft-repeated ones and what really is the truth behind them."
Now you know you want to know about the "6 food rules you should break," so here is a link. Go break some rules today!
Giz Explains: How Food Cooks
"For something so familiar, cooking is incredibly mysterious. Ask a home cook what happens to a steak in a pan – hell, ask most chefs. It gets hot. It gets brown. It gets juicy. How do you like yours, again?
We burn, sear, boil, broil, grill and fry our food to make it appetising, and, with any luck, delicious. This is how we think and talk about food, and it obviously serves us pretty well. But it says nothing of what cooking actually is: chemistry. Here’s what really happens to your steak.
'Well, a lot of things,' says Dennis Miller, Professor of Food Science and Nutrition at Cornell University .............."
Folks, if you eat and like cooked foods, or if you just want to learn some more food science, you gotta read this article. It's great. I certainly learned a lot.
We burn, sear, boil, broil, grill and fry our food to make it appetising, and, with any luck, delicious. This is how we think and talk about food, and it obviously serves us pretty well. But it says nothing of what cooking actually is: chemistry. Here’s what really happens to your steak.
'Well, a lot of things,' says Dennis Miller, Professor of Food Science and Nutrition at Cornell University .............."
Folks, if you eat and like cooked foods, or if you just want to learn some more food science, you gotta read this article. It's great. I certainly learned a lot.
What Nanotechnology Can Do for the Average Donut
"In Europe, Dutch food scientist Frans Kampers is making a presentation titled: What Nanotechnology Can Do for the Average Donut. He explains that a nanoparticle can re-engineer ingredients to bring healthy nutrients to the body more efficiently, while ensuring that less-desirable components pass on ----------"
What? You don't like donuts? I don't believe it! Everybody likes donuts. Therefore, you just have to read this article. It's not just about donuts. It's about the amazing technology that is being developed to utilize nanotechnology to make foods healthier, safer and more ideally utilized by the body. This is a new frontier, and it is exciting.
By the way, do you have coffee or milk with your donuts? I usually have both.
What? You don't like donuts? I don't believe it! Everybody likes donuts. Therefore, you just have to read this article. It's not just about donuts. It's about the amazing technology that is being developed to utilize nanotechnology to make foods healthier, safer and more ideally utilized by the body. This is a new frontier, and it is exciting.
By the way, do you have coffee or milk with your donuts? I usually have both.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Academics Review: An Association Dedicated To Peer Reviewed Science On Food Issues
"Academics Review was founded in January 2010 to ensure that sound science is widely and easily available to inform us all on some of the most critical issues of our time. Some of those issues relate to how we grow our food: what is safe and what is not, what constitutes real advancement, and similarly vital scientific and technological topics that affect how we live.
Academics Review is an association of academic professors, researchers, teachers and credentialed authors from around the world who are committed to the unsurpassed value of the peer review in establishing sound science. We stand against falsehoods, half-baked assertions and theories or claims not subjected to this kind of rigorous review. This is the mission of Academics Review.
Academics Review was founded by two independent professors of food-related microbiology, nutritional, and safety issues on opposite ends of the planet: in rural central Illinois, and in urban Melbourne, Australia. Bruce M. Chassy, Ph.D., and David Tribe, Ph.D., are two of the most widely recognized experts in the world on how plants grow, and the resulting effects plants, as foods, can have on human health."
Too often food issues such as GM crops lead to lay opinions that are based on emotion and misinformation. Bruce and David and their co-workers are dedicated to getting the peer reviewed science into the debate on these issues. As we saw in an earlier post this month, facts don't always sway people's opinions, but presenting the facts from peer reviewed science is the only way to get things done as difficult as it may be. Here is a link to Academics Review so you may learn more about this very important work.
Academics Review is an association of academic professors, researchers, teachers and credentialed authors from around the world who are committed to the unsurpassed value of the peer review in establishing sound science. We stand against falsehoods, half-baked assertions and theories or claims not subjected to this kind of rigorous review. This is the mission of Academics Review.
Academics Review was founded by two independent professors of food-related microbiology, nutritional, and safety issues on opposite ends of the planet: in rural central Illinois, and in urban Melbourne, Australia. Bruce M. Chassy, Ph.D., and David Tribe, Ph.D., are two of the most widely recognized experts in the world on how plants grow, and the resulting effects plants, as foods, can have on human health."
Too often food issues such as GM crops lead to lay opinions that are based on emotion and misinformation. Bruce and David and their co-workers are dedicated to getting the peer reviewed science into the debate on these issues. As we saw in an earlier post this month, facts don't always sway people's opinions, but presenting the facts from peer reviewed science is the only way to get things done as difficult as it may be. Here is a link to Academics Review so you may learn more about this very important work.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
The History and Scope of the Rice Genome Project
"Rice has been cultivated for more than 9,000 years. ...........At least 114 countries grow rice. Asian farmers produce about 90% of the total, with two countries, China and India, growing more than half the total crop. ...........Rice has the smallest genome size of all cereals, of around 430 million base pairs of DNA. Rice is considered a model system for plant biology largely due to its compact genome (430 million base pairs on its 12 chromosomes)..........Sequencing of its genome has opened a way for developing new varieties of rice to combat the pests and also to grow with less water."
There's a lot more in this article including the complete history of the genome sequencing of rice going back to 1991 when it started. Here's a link for you.
There's a lot more in this article including the complete history of the genome sequencing of rice going back to 1991 when it started. Here's a link for you.
Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics
"Wheat and barley are two of Australia's most important cereal crops.
At the Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics (ACPFG) our scientists are improving wheat and barley's tolerance to environmental stresses such as drought, heat, salinity and nutrient toxicities. These stresses known as abiotic stresses, are a major cause of yield and quality loss throughout the world and cause significant problems for cereal growers."
Read about their research program focus, their links to universities in Australia, their use of biotechnology, their specific approaches to the challenges at hand and more. Here's a link.
At the Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics (ACPFG) our scientists are improving wheat and barley's tolerance to environmental stresses such as drought, heat, salinity and nutrient toxicities. These stresses known as abiotic stresses, are a major cause of yield and quality loss throughout the world and cause significant problems for cereal growers."
Read about their research program focus, their links to universities in Australia, their use of biotechnology, their specific approaches to the challenges at hand and more. Here's a link.
FDA won’t allow food to be labeled free of genetic modification: report
'Extra labeling only confuses the consumer,' biotech spokesman says
"That the Food and Drug Administration is opposed to labeling foods that are genetically modified is no surprise anymore, but a report in the Washington Post indicates the FDA won't even allow food producers to label their foods as being free of genetic modification."
Use the link and learn what some people think about this.
"That the Food and Drug Administration is opposed to labeling foods that are genetically modified is no surprise anymore, but a report in the Washington Post indicates the FDA won't even allow food producers to label their foods as being free of genetic modification."
Use the link and learn what some people think about this.
Facts Take Back Seat In Science Controversy
"A new paper about to be published in the Journal of Communication questions the use of facts to add power to an argument, at least in the context of GM foods and carbon nanotubes. Once people did form an opinion they processed any new factual information in a biased manner. That is, they tended to re-interpret the information to fit in with their pre-existing ideas ..................The researchers don’t entirely dismiss the use of facts to add weight to an argument. It is circumstance-dependent. But it does raise the issue of how we often rely on the assumption that the 'facts will speak for themselves,' especially in the context of scientific debates where facts are often held up as supreme."
James N. Druckman and Toby Bolsen at Northwestern University are the researchers who did this study which is a very important study in my opinion. It raises the question, "Is a certain discovery worth making or a new study worth doing if the public wants to not believe in the new discovery?" The obvious answer is, "Of course." Think about computers, for example. I know older people today who still do not want to learn about them and use them, but millions of people all over the world do. Thank goodness for what computers have been able to do for the medical profession just to mention one example.
No, we just need to look for better ways to get people to understand and care about a particular issue. Dr. Ray Kurzweil and the Singularity is a good example of this. His thoughts and predictions are in the very early stages of recognition and acceptance, and some people will never want what he says is inevitable. Time will show us how the Singularity will play out. Meanwhile, here is a link to the article about Druckman and Bolsen's work for those of you who are thinking about how you could get more people to listen to you about your work and its importance.
James N. Druckman and Toby Bolsen at Northwestern University are the researchers who did this study which is a very important study in my opinion. It raises the question, "Is a certain discovery worth making or a new study worth doing if the public wants to not believe in the new discovery?" The obvious answer is, "Of course." Think about computers, for example. I know older people today who still do not want to learn about them and use them, but millions of people all over the world do. Thank goodness for what computers have been able to do for the medical profession just to mention one example.
No, we just need to look for better ways to get people to understand and care about a particular issue. Dr. Ray Kurzweil and the Singularity is a good example of this. His thoughts and predictions are in the very early stages of recognition and acceptance, and some people will never want what he says is inevitable. Time will show us how the Singularity will play out. Meanwhile, here is a link to the article about Druckman and Bolsen's work for those of you who are thinking about how you could get more people to listen to you about your work and its importance.
Monday, September 20, 2010
The Link Between Poverty, Obesity and Diabetes
"Not having enough food to eat may cause obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Most of us think the chronic disease epidemic is fueled by abundance, but it may be fueled as much by food scarcity and insecurity as it is by excess. And, right now, America is suffering from the highest levels of poverty and food insecurity that it has seen in more than a decade."
By Mark Hyman, MDPracticing physician
Posted: September 18, 2010 08:00 AM
Dr. Hyman goes on to explain, "Many poor people in this country are consuming an excess of nutritionally-depleted, cheap calories from sodas, processed foods, and junk food. These folks scarcely eat whole, fresh foods at all, and for good reason: We have made calories cheap, but real food expensive." He talks about "How the Biology of Starvation Contributes to Disease," and he ends the article with a list of initiatives and ideas that he believes we need to seriously consider if we are to reverse the alarming trends in the U.S. (and, in my opinion, any other place in the world where obesity is now an epidemic). I highly recommend this article. Here is a link for you to use.
By Mark Hyman, MDPracticing physician
Posted: September 18, 2010 08:00 AM
Dr. Hyman goes on to explain, "Many poor people in this country are consuming an excess of nutritionally-depleted, cheap calories from sodas, processed foods, and junk food. These folks scarcely eat whole, fresh foods at all, and for good reason: We have made calories cheap, but real food expensive." He talks about "How the Biology of Starvation Contributes to Disease," and he ends the article with a list of initiatives and ideas that he believes we need to seriously consider if we are to reverse the alarming trends in the U.S. (and, in my opinion, any other place in the world where obesity is now an epidemic). I highly recommend this article. Here is a link for you to use.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Food-makers ready to raise prices
Kraft, Sara Lee responding to increases in commodity costs. By Emily Bryson York, Tribune reporter
6:34 p.m. CDT, September 17, 2010
"With the cost of commodities such as wheat and eggs on the rise, food manufacturers are making it clear they won't be eating the increases alone. Prices will rise for consumers, too."
6:34 p.m. CDT, September 17, 2010
"With the cost of commodities such as wheat and eggs on the rise, food manufacturers are making it clear they won't be eating the increases alone. Prices will rise for consumers, too."
Friday, September 17, 2010
Pioneer Hi-Bred buying S. Africa seed company
"Pioneer's purchase of a majority stake in Pannar Seed Ltd, which operates seed businesses in nine countries in Africa, is the latest move in a race by many major agricultural companies to stake a claim in Africa."
The race is truly on, especially between Pioneer (DuPont) and Monsanto. Here's a link for the rest of this article.
The race is truly on, especially between Pioneer (DuPont) and Monsanto. Here's a link for the rest of this article.
Florida State: A-maize-ing DNA research
"Two ears of buttered corn lie on a plate. Inspect them for just a few seconds, and you’d find some telltale bump or abnormality to tell them apart.
If they came from the same kind of seed with the same genetic material, why don’t they look exactly the same?
Scientists still don’t know why cells with the same genome can have different traits. But that’s the puzzle that Florida State University and Florida A&M University biologists are ...."
If they came from the same kind of seed with the same genetic material, why don’t they look exactly the same?
Scientists still don’t know why cells with the same genome can have different traits. But that’s the puzzle that Florida State University and Florida A&M University biologists are ...."
Halving Global Hunger Off-track but Still Possible
Thursday, September 16, 2010 :: Staff infoZine
Little progress made on MDG Hunger goal; coordinated political action needed
Washington, DC - infoZine - "Ten years after world leaders committed to halve world hunger by 2015, little progress has been made to reduce the number of people who go to sleep hungry, and many hard-won achievements have been undone by the global economic, food and fuel crises, according to a new report released today by international relief and development organization Oxfam America."
I believe everyone should read this article.
Little progress made on MDG Hunger goal; coordinated political action needed
Washington, DC - infoZine - "Ten years after world leaders committed to halve world hunger by 2015, little progress has been made to reduce the number of people who go to sleep hungry, and many hard-won achievements have been undone by the global economic, food and fuel crises, according to a new report released today by international relief and development organization Oxfam America."
I believe everyone should read this article.
Breakthrough method cuts E.coli detection time in ground beef
By Rory Harrington, 13-Sep-2010
"An innovative technique that employs a unique combination of already established instrumentation can significantly reduce the time taken to detect E.coli 0157:H7 in ground beef, said a new study."
Here's a clue: the method uses infrared spectroscopy, and here's a link to the article.
"An innovative technique that employs a unique combination of already established instrumentation can significantly reduce the time taken to detect E.coli 0157:H7 in ground beef, said a new study."
Here's a clue: the method uses infrared spectroscopy, and here's a link to the article.
New Wright County Egg data on salmonella stun experts
By Elizabeth Weise, USA TODAY
"Newly released reports pointing to years of positive salmonella tests at an Iowa egg facility have baffled some experts and egg producers."
There's a lot of new information in this article about the egg recall. I believe that interest in a pathogen-free nutrient delivery system will increase as more people calculate the costs of food-borne illnesses (treating the sick, adding more inspectors, etc.) that seem to occur on a fairly regular basis.
"Newly released reports pointing to years of positive salmonella tests at an Iowa egg facility have baffled some experts and egg producers."
There's a lot of new information in this article about the egg recall. I believe that interest in a pathogen-free nutrient delivery system will increase as more people calculate the costs of food-borne illnesses (treating the sick, adding more inspectors, etc.) that seem to occur on a fairly regular basis.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
A sunny outlook for vitamin D detection
15 September 2010
"US researchers have developed a nanotechnology-based test to detect the important vitamin D metabolite calcitriol, the deficiency of which is an indicator of kidney failure.
We all get vitamin D from our diet and from our exposure to sunlight. Vitamin D and its metabolites have an important role in our body's health as they regulate calcium and phosphate levels. Excesses and deficiencies have recently been linked to cardiovascular disease, cancer and kidney disease."
For "the rest of the story:"
"US researchers have developed a nanotechnology-based test to detect the important vitamin D metabolite calcitriol, the deficiency of which is an indicator of kidney failure.
We all get vitamin D from our diet and from our exposure to sunlight. Vitamin D and its metabolites have an important role in our body's health as they regulate calcium and phosphate levels. Excesses and deficiencies have recently been linked to cardiovascular disease, cancer and kidney disease."
For "the rest of the story:"
SEP 2010 reminder: Dr. Ray Kurzweil's prediction concerning food science and human nutrition
" ------ nanotechnology-based manufacturing devices in the 2020s will be capable of creating almost any physical product from inexpensive raw materials and information. ------ We have the ability to redesign the world in our minds and to put these ideas into action. ---- The Singularity will unfold through these three overlapping revolutions: G, N, AND R. ---- Many approaches are being developed for micro- and nanoscale machines to go into the body and bloodstream. Ultimately we will be able to determine the precise nutrients (including all the hundreds of phytochemicals) necessary for the optimal health of each individual. These will be freely and inexpensively available, so we won't need to bother with extracting nutrients from food at all. Nutrients will be introduced directly into the bloodstream by special metabolic nanobots, while sensors in our bloodstream and body, using wireless communication, will provide dynamic information on the nutrients needed at each point in time. This technology should be reasonably mature by the late 2020s."
Chocolate Farmers Could Benefit from Newly Sequenced Cacao Genome
ScienceDaily (Sep. 15, 2010) — "A first draft of the cacao genome is complete, a consortium of academic, governmental, and industry scientists announced. ------ Despite being led and funded by a private company, Mars Inc., Cacao Genome Database scientists say one of their chief concerns has been making sure the Theobroma cacao genome data was published for all to see -- especially cacao farmers and breeders in West Africa, Asia and South America, who can use genetic information to improve their planting stocks and protect their often-fragile incomes."
Here is a link so you may read this very informative article. Another step forward in genome sequencing of agricultural crops and genome sequencing in general. The more they do, the more they learn how to do it.
Here is a link so you may read this very informative article. Another step forward in genome sequencing of agricultural crops and genome sequencing in general. The more they do, the more they learn how to do it.
September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month
This should have been posted earlier this month, but, to tell the truth, I didn't know about it until today. Here's what the American College of Sports Medicine has to say about the subject of childhood obesity.
"In the past four decades, obesity rates in the United States have soared among all age groups. This rise in obesity rates has affected our youth in alarming fashion. Childhood obesity has increased more than fourfold among those ages 6 to 11. Over 23 million children and teenagers in the United States ages 2 to 19 are obese or overweight, a statistic that health and medical experts consider an epidemic. On March 26, 2010, a resolution was unanimously passed in the Senate to designate September 2010 as 'National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month,' bringing national attention to a growing epidemic among youth in the United States."
"The primary contact for the National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month website is the American College of Sports Medicine.
The American College of Sports Medicine is just one of a growing community of organizations and supporters working together to help realize the goals of American Childhood Obesity Awareness Month."
Here is a link for the website that was created for the American College of Sports Medicine that gives a link to the presidential proclamation making September the special month and other information if you would like to take a look. What do you believe is the key to winning the battle against childhood obesity?
"In the past four decades, obesity rates in the United States have soared among all age groups. This rise in obesity rates has affected our youth in alarming fashion. Childhood obesity has increased more than fourfold among those ages 6 to 11. Over 23 million children and teenagers in the United States ages 2 to 19 are obese or overweight, a statistic that health and medical experts consider an epidemic. On March 26, 2010, a resolution was unanimously passed in the Senate to designate September 2010 as 'National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month,' bringing national attention to a growing epidemic among youth in the United States."
"The primary contact for the National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month website is the American College of Sports Medicine.
The American College of Sports Medicine is just one of a growing community of organizations and supporters working together to help realize the goals of American Childhood Obesity Awareness Month."
Here is a link for the website that was created for the American College of Sports Medicine that gives a link to the presidential proclamation making September the special month and other information if you would like to take a look. What do you believe is the key to winning the battle against childhood obesity?
Scientists see risks and benefits in nano foods
By Kate Kelland, Health and Science Correspondent
LONDON | Wed Sep 15, 2010 8:02am EDT
(Reuters) - "In a taste of things to come, food scientists say they have cooked up a way of using nanotechnology to make low-fat or fat-free foods just as appetizing and satisfying as their full-fat fellows.
The implications could be significant in combating the spread of health problems such as obesity, diabetes and heart disease."
While this really good article is mostly positive concerning nanotechnology and food, it does present some concerns. I don't mind presenting both sides of the debate. I believe it is good for us to consider both sides. At the same time, I believe any and all problems will be worked out and "nanofood" will happen. There's just too much technology and too much determination and investment. Here's the link to the article.
LONDON | Wed Sep 15, 2010 8:02am EDT
(Reuters) - "In a taste of things to come, food scientists say they have cooked up a way of using nanotechnology to make low-fat or fat-free foods just as appetizing and satisfying as their full-fat fellows.
The implications could be significant in combating the spread of health problems such as obesity, diabetes and heart disease."
While this really good article is mostly positive concerning nanotechnology and food, it does present some concerns. I don't mind presenting both sides of the debate. I believe it is good for us to consider both sides. At the same time, I believe any and all problems will be worked out and "nanofood" will happen. There's just too much technology and too much determination and investment. Here's the link to the article.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Africa: Orange' maize could save eyesight of millions of African children
... recent study headed by Dr. Wendy White of the Iowa State University Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition discovered the new vitamin A source. ...
Monday, 13 September 2010
"Washington (USA) — 'Orange' maize, a variety of the common cereal crop, could improve the lives of millions of malnourished people by providing increased vitamin A in their diet, according to a new study released here this week."
A very important announcement!
Monday, 13 September 2010
"Washington (USA) — 'Orange' maize, a variety of the common cereal crop, could improve the lives of millions of malnourished people by providing increased vitamin A in their diet, according to a new study released here this week."
A very important announcement!
Go Vegetarian with Grains!
"Are we eating our grains? According to some studies reported by the American Dietetic Association, we're not! One report from The Journal of ADA reports that Americans are consuming far fewer than the recommended 3 servings of a grain food per day. In fact, most of us are barely consuming 1 serving a day (But we're gaining weight anyway!)."
That's not the first paragraph from the article this time. It's the second paragraph. Here's a link so you may read the first paragraph and all the other paragraphs in this good article on what we need to do about eating the proper amount of grains (whole grains).
That's not the first paragraph from the article this time. It's the second paragraph. Here's a link so you may read the first paragraph and all the other paragraphs in this good article on what we need to do about eating the proper amount of grains (whole grains).
Nutrition discovery: black rice rivals blueberries as source of healthful ...
Natural News.com
... Associate Professor in the Department of Food Science at Louisiana State University Agricultural Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. ...
Nutrition discovery: black rice rivals blueberries as source of healthful antioxidants
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
"In ancient China, nobles commandeered every grain of a variety of black rice known as 'Forbidden Rice' for themselves and forbade the common people from eating it. Now 21st century scientists have discovered that black rice truly is a treasure -- at least when it comes to nutrition. In fact, a spoonful of black rice bran contains more health promoting anthocyanin antioxidants than are found in a spoonful of blueberries, plus the rice bran has less sugar, more fiber and an abundance of vitamin E."
Just the beginning, folks, of a wonderful article about black rice. I've eaten quite a bit of wild rice from Minnesota down through the years, and it's great. Now I can't wait to try some black rice. Here's a link for you.
... Associate Professor in the Department of Food Science at Louisiana State University Agricultural Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. ...
Nutrition discovery: black rice rivals blueberries as source of healthful antioxidants
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
"In ancient China, nobles commandeered every grain of a variety of black rice known as 'Forbidden Rice' for themselves and forbade the common people from eating it. Now 21st century scientists have discovered that black rice truly is a treasure -- at least when it comes to nutrition. In fact, a spoonful of black rice bran contains more health promoting anthocyanin antioxidants than are found in a spoonful of blueberries, plus the rice bran has less sugar, more fiber and an abundance of vitamin E."
Just the beginning, folks, of a wonderful article about black rice. I've eaten quite a bit of wild rice from Minnesota down through the years, and it's great. Now I can't wait to try some black rice. Here's a link for you.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
A look at the fundamental concepts behind nanotechnology
by B. Leslie Baird
"What is nanotechnology? Nanotechnology is something very small and yet very large. One nanometer is one billionth of a meter, 10 to the minus 9. By size, a nano is difficult to even imagine but the technology that nanotechnology offers is huge."
This is the first paragraph. In this article Leslie goes to briefly explain the beginning of nanotechnology and things like quantum effects and nanoionics. It's a good, quick read. Here's the link.
"What is nanotechnology? Nanotechnology is something very small and yet very large. One nanometer is one billionth of a meter, 10 to the minus 9. By size, a nano is difficult to even imagine but the technology that nanotechnology offers is huge."
This is the first paragraph. In this article Leslie goes to briefly explain the beginning of nanotechnology and things like quantum effects and nanoionics. It's a good, quick read. Here's the link.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Top 10 Genetically Engineered Crops
Use the forward and back buttons to view each "crop" individually.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
2010 Agricultural Biotechnology International Conference
Back on 30 AUG 2010 I gave you the following information in a post on this blog.
From the newsroom at Center of Excellence for Nutritional Genomics at University of California, Davis:
"Dr. Raymond Rodriguez is an invited speaker at the 2010 Agricultural Biotechnology International Conference (AIBC) in Saskatchewan, Canada on September 13, 2010. Dr. Rodriguez will speak in the Health Session and the title of his presentation is Diet-Gene Interaction as a Nutridynamical System: Nutritional Genomics at the Edge of Chaos."
The conference is scheduled for 12-15 SEP 2010 in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, and the link below will take you to the home page (ABOUT ABIC) of the conference website. From there you may visit other pages such as the PROGRAM/SPEAKERS page where you will find Dr. Rodriguez' name among the many other speakers. You are supposed to be able to click on any name and read an abstract and a biography for that speaker. Perhaps you know someone else who will speak at this conference. I will try to post information about the conference and some of the new research that will be reported there.
From the newsroom at Center of Excellence for Nutritional Genomics at University of California, Davis:
"Dr. Raymond Rodriguez is an invited speaker at the 2010 Agricultural Biotechnology International Conference (AIBC) in Saskatchewan, Canada on September 13, 2010. Dr. Rodriguez will speak in the Health Session and the title of his presentation is Diet-Gene Interaction as a Nutridynamical System: Nutritional Genomics at the Edge of Chaos."
The conference is scheduled for 12-15 SEP 2010 in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, and the link below will take you to the home page (ABOUT ABIC) of the conference website. From there you may visit other pages such as the PROGRAM/SPEAKERS page where you will find Dr. Rodriguez' name among the many other speakers. You are supposed to be able to click on any name and read an abstract and a biography for that speaker. Perhaps you know someone else who will speak at this conference. I will try to post information about the conference and some of the new research that will be reported there.
Apple Genome Finally Decoded
"A team of investigators led by Italian scientists recently managed to reach an impressive milestone in genetic sciences, when they created the first complete genome of the apple species Golden Delicious."
Wow! All these breakthroughs are coming fast and furious it seems. We are truly into the technological revolution. Here is a link for this article.
Wow! All these breakthroughs are coming fast and furious it seems. We are truly into the technological revolution. Here is a link for this article.
Scientists decode wheat genome
"Crop traits vital for future food production could soon be within the grasp of plant breeders after scientists unravelled the genetic sequence of the wheat plant."
Other grains were decoded before wheat. Find out why and more by using the link and reading this article. Decoding the wheat genome is a major accomplishment, and should lead to badly-needed advances in wheat breeding.
Other grains were decoded before wheat. Find out why and more by using the link and reading this article. Decoding the wheat genome is a major accomplishment, and should lead to badly-needed advances in wheat breeding.
Microbial Breakthrough Impacts Health, Agriculture, Biofuels
Here are a couple of short paragraphs from Jennifer Shike's article (from the Univ. of Illinois) about the groundbreaking research at the Univ. of Illinois that led to an understanding of how microbes break down hemicellulose which has far-reaching implications. I was not able to get a link to work this time to go directly to the article, but if you use the link for Cattle Network below, you can find the article by clicking on the word, MORE, next to POPULAR NEWS, and then scrolling down to the article. I believe it is well worth a little extra effort.
"U of I researchers utilized DNA sequencing and transcriptomics (RNAseq approach) to determine all of the enzymes the organism, Prevotella bryantii, uses to deconstruct hemicellulose into simple sugars."
"Even though researchers used a bacterium from the cow stomach, their results apply to microbes in the human large intestine, too. Human health and nutrition researchers are interested in the similar strategies certain rumen bacteria and human intestinal bacteria use to capture energy from dietary fiber."
"U of I researchers utilized DNA sequencing and transcriptomics (RNAseq approach) to determine all of the enzymes the organism, Prevotella bryantii, uses to deconstruct hemicellulose into simple sugars."
"Even though researchers used a bacterium from the cow stomach, their results apply to microbes in the human large intestine, too. Human health and nutrition researchers are interested in the similar strategies certain rumen bacteria and human intestinal bacteria use to capture energy from dietary fiber."
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
DuPont Gains on Monsanto as Farmers Question High-Tech Seeds
"Iowa farmer Tom Oswald says he used to prefer Monsanto Co.’s premium corn seeds because they 'yield like crazy.' That was before they became too expensive."
That is the opening paragraph in a great article about the competition between Monsanto and DuPont who supply most of the corn and soybean seeds to U.S. farmers. In the previous post Professor Datta speaks about the need for even more advancements in the genetic engineering of plants if there is to be a chance of feeding the world in 2050 when he believes there will be 10 billion people looking for food. This article gives some good insight into where these companies stand on engineering corn and soybeans, and their near-term strategies. Here is a link if you would like to read it.
That is the opening paragraph in a great article about the competition between Monsanto and DuPont who supply most of the corn and soybean seeds to U.S. farmers. In the previous post Professor Datta speaks about the need for even more advancements in the genetic engineering of plants if there is to be a chance of feeding the world in 2050 when he believes there will be 10 billion people looking for food. This article gives some good insight into where these companies stand on engineering corn and soybeans, and their near-term strategies. Here is a link if you would like to read it.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Scientist appeals for better food, nutrition
“World peace will not be built on empty stomachs. Given the fact that world population will increase to 10 billion in 2050 and increase of food will be only 1.7 times, the key to food and nutritional security is genetic engineering of plants which will enable them to produce more as well as raise the nutritional level,” Datta said.
This comment can be found in the middle of an article I received a couple of days ago. "Datta" is Padma Bhushan Asis Datta, Professor of Eminence, National Institute of Plant Genome Research, JNU in India. Here is a link so you may read the rest of the article.
This comment can be found in the middle of an article I received a couple of days ago. "Datta" is Padma Bhushan Asis Datta, Professor of Eminence, National Institute of Plant Genome Research, JNU in India. Here is a link so you may read the rest of the article.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
A guide to some basic terms used in genetics:
"Genetics is that branch of biology which deals with the study of inheritance of characters from parents to offspring. The patterns of this inheritance and the vast genetic variations that occur because of some steps involved in the inheritance are all dealt with in the science of genetics. There are some basic terms that need to be defined and understood before one can gain the knowledge of genetics efficiently. These basic terms include the following:
=> Genotype
=> Phenotype
=> Homozygous
=> Heterozygous
=> Alleles
=> Sex chromosomes and autosomes"
Here is a link for you to use to read their definitions of these terms.
=> Genotype
=> Phenotype
=> Homozygous
=> Heterozygous
=> Alleles
=> Sex chromosomes and autosomes"
Here is a link for you to use to read their definitions of these terms.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Edible Nanostructures
September 2, 2010 | Research
EVANSTON, Ill. --- "Sugar, salt, alcohol and a little serendipity led a Northwestern University research team to discover a new class of nanostructures that could be used for gas storage and food and medical technologies. And the compounds are edible.
The porous crystals are the first known all-natural metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) that are simple to make. Most other MOFs are made from petroleum-based ingredients, but the Northwestern MOFs you can pop into your mouth and eat, and the researchers have.
'They taste kind of bitter, like a Saltine cracker, starchy and bland,' said Ronald A. Smaldone, a postdoctoral fellow at Northwestern"
This is a very interesting article. Here is a link for you to use if you would like to read it. There's even a recipe so you can make your own edible MOF at home.
EVANSTON, Ill. --- "Sugar, salt, alcohol and a little serendipity led a Northwestern University research team to discover a new class of nanostructures that could be used for gas storage and food and medical technologies. And the compounds are edible.
The porous crystals are the first known all-natural metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) that are simple to make. Most other MOFs are made from petroleum-based ingredients, but the Northwestern MOFs you can pop into your mouth and eat, and the researchers have.
'They taste kind of bitter, like a Saltine cracker, starchy and bland,' said Ronald A. Smaldone, a postdoctoral fellow at Northwestern"
This is a very interesting article. Here is a link for you to use if you would like to read it. There's even a recipe so you can make your own edible MOF at home.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Nutritional Genomics: Manipulating Plant Micronutrients to Improve Human Health
Dean DellaPenna
"The nutritional health and well-being of humans are entirely dependent on plant foods either directly or indirectly when plants are consumed by animals. Plant foods provide almost all essential vitamins and minerals and a number of other health-promoting phytochemicals. Because micronutrient concentrations are often low in staple crops, research is under way to understand and manipulate synthesis of micronutrients in order to improve crop nutritional quality. Genome sequencing projects are providing novel approaches for identifying plant biosynthetic genes of nutritional importance. The term 'nutritional genomics' is used to describe work at the interface of plant biochemistry, genomics, and human nutrition."
Department of Biochemistry/MS200, University of Nevada, Reno, NV 89557, USA
"The nutritional health and well-being of humans are entirely dependent on plant foods either directly or indirectly when plants are consumed by animals. Plant foods provide almost all essential vitamins and minerals and a number of other health-promoting phytochemicals. Because micronutrient concentrations are often low in staple crops, research is under way to understand and manipulate synthesis of micronutrients in order to improve crop nutritional quality. Genome sequencing projects are providing novel approaches for identifying plant biosynthetic genes of nutritional importance. The term 'nutritional genomics' is used to describe work at the interface of plant biochemistry, genomics, and human nutrition."
Department of Biochemistry/MS200, University of Nevada, Reno, NV 89557, USA
Monday, August 30, 2010
The Nutrition and Genomics Laboratory
"Nutrigenomics is the study of how dietary constituents interact with genes, and their products, to regulate biochemical pathways and thus, the balance between health and disease states. Genetic variation and numerous environmental factors modulate these interactions and their understanding constitutes the basis for the future development of more personalized and successful dietary recommendations to prevent disease and achieve healthier aging."
Here is a link if you would like to read more about the laboratory and nutrigenomics.
Here is a link if you would like to read more about the laboratory and nutrigenomics.
DR. Raymond Rodriguez Speaking At The 2010 AIBC
From the newsroom at Center of Excellence for Nutritional Genomics at University of California, Davis:
"Dr. Raymond Rodriguez is an invited speaker at the 2010 Agricultural Biotechnology International Conference (AIBC) in Saskatchewan, Canada on September 13, 2010. Dr. Rodriguez will speak in the Health Session and the title of his presentation is Diet-Gene Interaction as a Nutridynamical System: Nutritional Genomics at the Edge of Chaos."
I will try to tell you more about the conference real soon. Dr. Rodriguez is a member of the faculty at the Center of Excellence for Nutritional Genomics.
"Dr. Raymond Rodriguez is an invited speaker at the 2010 Agricultural Biotechnology International Conference (AIBC) in Saskatchewan, Canada on September 13, 2010. Dr. Rodriguez will speak in the Health Session and the title of his presentation is Diet-Gene Interaction as a Nutridynamical System: Nutritional Genomics at the Edge of Chaos."
I will try to tell you more about the conference real soon. Dr. Rodriguez is a member of the faculty at the Center of Excellence for Nutritional Genomics.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Statement on Institute of Medicine Report on Food Safety
Here is the first paragraph from a statement issued by Leavitt Partners in June. It is still relevant, especially in light of the current, massive egg recall.
"June 8, 2010
The release today of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) and National Research Council (NRC) report "Enhancing Food Safety: The Role of the Food and Drug Administration," drives home the need for modernizing the food safety system in the United States. The report calls for a prevention-oriented, risk-based approach to allocate food safety resources and efforts. This theme, while a familiar one echoed by the broader food safety community, is difficult to implement."
Here is a link so you may read the entire statement. It may surprise you. Let me know if you agree or disagree with them.
"June 8, 2010
The release today of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) and National Research Council (NRC) report "Enhancing Food Safety: The Role of the Food and Drug Administration," drives home the need for modernizing the food safety system in the United States. The report calls for a prevention-oriented, risk-based approach to allocate food safety resources and efforts. This theme, while a familiar one echoed by the broader food safety community, is difficult to implement."
Here is a link so you may read the entire statement. It may surprise you. Let me know if you agree or disagree with them.
Medicine May Be Key To Cloning's Future
Here is the first part of an article written by Rick Barrett about cloning animals, especially farm animals, to help speed up medical drug production.
"MILWAUKEE — The cloning of animals may have come from agriculture, but its real promise may be in the lucrative field of medicine rather than as food.
Genetically modified cows and goats can produce proteins in their milk that can be extracted as a drug component. Cloning animals to create living drug factories could lower the costs of medicines used to save lives."
Here is a link for you to use to read the entire article.
"MILWAUKEE — The cloning of animals may have come from agriculture, but its real promise may be in the lucrative field of medicine rather than as food.
Genetically modified cows and goats can produce proteins in their milk that can be extracted as a drug component. Cloning animals to create living drug factories could lower the costs of medicines used to save lives."
Here is a link for you to use to read the entire article.
Genetics Not Enough to Increase Wheat Production
Here's an article you need to read in the next 10-12 days if you can. It may not be available through the link below after that. I will save it, and I may be able to email it to you, but it would be easier if you can read it using the link.
Here is the first paragraph from the article just to give you an intro to the subject. The article is provided by the Crop Science Society of America.
"The deep gene pool that has allowed wheat to achieve ever increasing gains in yield may be draining. Crop scientists estimate that 50% of the gain in wheat production over the past century has been due to breeding. According to a new study, however, that improvement has been slowing since the late 1980s, with little chance that future increases in yield can be met by breeding efforts alone."
Just more evidence to me that we will need new and innovative ways of providing nutrition in the future.
Here is the first paragraph from the article just to give you an intro to the subject. The article is provided by the Crop Science Society of America.
"The deep gene pool that has allowed wheat to achieve ever increasing gains in yield may be draining. Crop scientists estimate that 50% of the gain in wheat production over the past century has been due to breeding. According to a new study, however, that improvement has been slowing since the late 1980s, with little chance that future increases in yield can be met by breeding efforts alone."
Just more evidence to me that we will need new and innovative ways of providing nutrition in the future.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
The Singularity Is Coming; or No It Isn't; or Wait Maybe It Is!
Here's Lev Grossman's "slightly different" take on the Singularity Summit 2010 and the future. I like this one.
Aaron Saenz Tells What Actually Happened At The Summit
An excellent account of what actually happened at The Singularity Summit 2010 written by Aaron Saenz.
Patrick Takahashi on The Singularity Summit 2010
Here is a link to an interesting blog post by Patrick Takahashi on the Huffington Post site about the Singularity Summit in San Francisco a couple of weeks ago. Patrick was impressed by the optimism for the future that he says was evident throughout the summit.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Center of Excellence for Nutritional Genomics
I will be telling you a lot about nutritional genomics in the days to come. Meanwhile, here is a brief introduction to a world-class nutritional genomics program in California USA and a link to the program's website. Take a look and start to learn more about nutritional genomics.
"Welcome to the Center of Excellence for Nutritional Genomics (CENG) at the University of California, Davis - a program dedicated to promoting the study of nutritional genomics. The mission of the Center is to reduce and ultimately eliminate health disparities through the study of diet-genome interactions as they relate to chronic disease and certain cancers. The Center has now begun translating the results of nearly seven years of research, training and education on diet-genome interactions into tangible benefits that can prevent disease and improve human and animal health and wellness."
"Welcome to the Center of Excellence for Nutritional Genomics (CENG) at the University of California, Davis - a program dedicated to promoting the study of nutritional genomics. The mission of the Center is to reduce and ultimately eliminate health disparities through the study of diet-genome interactions as they relate to chronic disease and certain cancers. The Center has now begun translating the results of nearly seven years of research, training and education on diet-genome interactions into tangible benefits that can prevent disease and improve human and animal health and wellness."
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Singularity and Nutrition Website
Please visit my website when you have a little time. You can learn about Ray Kurzweil, the Singularity and the GNR revolution among other things. Here is a link for your convenience.
Humans by Era - Average Lifespan at Birth
Hi folks! I decided to start this blog with a little history. Many people are not satisfied with how long we humans are living now-a-days, and they are working on new and better ways of increasing our years and our health. After all, why live longer if it just means more years to be ill? Right? I'll be talking about that a lot in this blog. For now, here's our history:
Humans by Era Average Lifespan at Birth
Upper Paleolithic 33 At age 15: 39 (to age 54)
Neolithic 20
Bronze Age and Iron Age 35+
Classical Greece 28
Classical Rome 28
Pre-Columbian North America 25-30
Medieval Islamic Caliphate 35+
Medieval Britain 30
Early Modern Britain 40+
Early 20th Century 30-45
Current world average 67.2 2010 est.
The average life expectancy in Colonial America was under 25 years in the Virginia colony, and in New England about 40% of children failed to reach adulthood. During the Industrial Revolution, the life expectancy of children increased dramatically. The percentage of children born in London who died before the age of five decreased from 74.5% in 1730-1749 to 31.8% in 1810-1829.
Public health measures are credited with much of the recent increase in life expectancy. During the 20th century, the average lifespan in the United States increased by more than 30 years, of which 25 years can be attributed to advances in public health.
Humans by Era Average Lifespan at Birth
Upper Paleolithic 33 At age 15: 39 (to age 54)
Neolithic 20
Bronze Age and Iron Age 35+
Classical Greece 28
Classical Rome 28
Pre-Columbian North America 25-30
Medieval Islamic Caliphate 35+
Medieval Britain 30
Early Modern Britain 40+
Early 20th Century 30-45
Current world average 67.2 2010 est.
The average life expectancy in Colonial America was under 25 years in the Virginia colony, and in New England about 40% of children failed to reach adulthood. During the Industrial Revolution, the life expectancy of children increased dramatically. The percentage of children born in London who died before the age of five decreased from 74.5% in 1730-1749 to 31.8% in 1810-1829.
Public health measures are credited with much of the recent increase in life expectancy. During the 20th century, the average lifespan in the United States increased by more than 30 years, of which 25 years can be attributed to advances in public health.
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