Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Feeding the World Through Food Science

IFT newsletter September 2010, Volume 64, No.9

" ----- Early in my food science career as a student recruiter, adviser, and instructor, I never needed to assume a defensive stance toward our profession. For example, on the first Earth Day, in 1979, I gave a public lecture and proclaimed to the audience that technological tools would assure us a cleaner environment from which to extract air, water, and food. But eventually louder and louder anti-technology voices were heard in classrooms and elsewhere. Colleagues also heard them and we bemoaned the fact that all our textbooks were only descriptive and did not provide us with some sort of a 'unified field theory' to rely on in this new age of people belittling, even attacking, achievements in science and technology, including food processing.

My enthusiasm for the report 'Feeding the World' knows no bounds. I urge you to read it in the September issue of Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety (http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1541-4337), to copy and disseminate it, and to integrate its message into your professional consciousness and practice."

by Manfred Kroger , Ph.D., an IFT Fellow, Scientific Editor of Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety and Professor Emeritus of Food Science, Penn State University (kv7@psu.edu).


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